QUALITY! 100% Perfect to use!
QUALITY! 100% Perfect to use!


// Visual inspection
// Control & Rework
// Dimensional Accuracy Checks


// Q-Wall & Q-Gates
// Incoming goods inspections
// Complaint Management


// Microscope sorting
// Sorting
// Rework of smallest parts


Quality inspections are versatile and require individual & customised solutions. Convince yourself!

Our values and services

- Quality at the highest level

Within the scope of quality inspections & testing services, we support you in ensuring that no defective parts get into your or your customers' production process.

A production stop due to defective parts causes enormous costs for suppliers and manufacturers. An effective and efficient quality assurance plays a decisive role in prevention. Käpple takes care of error prevention in advance through quality controls during the production process.

If bad-parts are already at your customer's site, we take care of the processing on site. The sorting documentation is done by means of sorting reports, bad-parts-documentation, Pareto analyses as well as illustrated rejection reports.

We are on your side where you need us and carry out our services at your premises, your customers or in our own facilities. Due to our long-standing staff we can respond to your wishes flexibly and according to your needs.


If a complaint occurs, it is often not possible for our customers to implement the de-escalation measures themselves on site due to distance and deadline pressure. –Käpple supports you in this delicate issue and carries out de-escalation measures on site in close consultation with you & your customers and ensures the processing of complaints as well as the supply of parts. This gives you the time to review your production process and take appropriate corrective action. Our quality coordinators are at your disposal around the clock.

No faulty parts in your processes

Cost efficiency due to preventive measures

Resident Service for quick implementation

Complete traceability & detailed analyses

Qualitätsprüfung, Residentservice, Mikrosopprüfung, Visuelle Sichtprüfungen, Control & Rework, Maßhaltigkeitsprüfungen, Q-Wall & Q-Gates, Wareneingangsprüfungen, Reklamationsmanagement, Präzisionsprüfungen, Sichtkontrollen, Nacharbeit von Kleinstteilen
Qualitätsprüfung, Residentservice, Mikrosopprüfung, Visuelle Sichtprüfungen, Control & Rework, Maßhaltigkeitsprüfungen, Q-Wall & Q-Gates, Wareneingangsprüfungen, Reklamationsmanagement, Präzisionsprüfungen, Sichtkontrollen, Nacharbeit von Kleinstteilen
Qualitätsprüfung, Residentservice, Mikrosopprüfung, Visuelle Sichtprüfungen, Control & Rework, Maßhaltigkeitsprüfungen, Q-Wall & Q-Gates, Wareneingangsprüfungen, Reklamationsmanagement, Präzisionsprüfungen, Sichtkontrollen, Nacharbeit von Kleinstteilen
Qualitätsprüfung, Residentservice, Mikrosopprüfung, Visuelle Sichtprüfungen, Control & Rework, Maßhaltigkeitsprüfungen, Q-Wall & Q-Gates, Wareneingangsprüfungen, Reklamationsmanagement, Präzisionsprüfungen, Sichtkontrollen, Nacharbeit von Kleinstteilen



100% Perfect to use!

Käpple Qualitätsleister
Käpple Qualitätsleister

Our service portfolio

  • Visual inspection 
  • Quality Control
  • Sorting of decorative surfaces
    (chrome, high gloss, lacquer) VDA16
  • Dimensional accuracy tests with data-
    output capable measuring equipment
  • Microscope sorting of small parts
  • CSL1 & 2 (control-shipping levels 1 & 2)
    Checks | Sorts
  • Rework
  • Daily sorting reports & Pareto analyses

What advantages can we offer you?

  • Shortest response times (same day operation)
  • 24/7 availability
  • Permanent project coordinator
  • Fast feedback for bad-parts evaluation
  • Daily Sorting reports
  • Delivery using our own vehicle fleet
  • Complete batch documentation
  • High transparency



We are on your side when you need us. We carry out the above-mentioned services at your premises, your customers or in our own premises. 

Thanks to our long-standing staff, we can respond to your wishes flexibly and according to your needs. Thanks to our long-standing staff, we can respond to your wishes flexibly and according to your needs.

All in the interest of the success of our customers, because the success of our customers is also our success. 


Wir sind dort Zuhause wo Sie uns brauchen. Wir führen unsere Leistungen bei Ihnen, Ihren Kunden oder in unseren eigenen Räumlichkeiten durch. Dank unseres langjährigen Mitarbeiterstammes, können wir flexibel & bedarfsgerecht auf Ihre Wünsche eingehen. Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, gestellte Aufgaben flexibel, wirtschaftlich und termingenau durchzuführen. Ganz im Sinne des Erfolgs unserer Kunden, denn der Erfolg unserer Kunden ist auch unser Erfolg.



100% Perfect to use

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