100 % Exzellenz in Produktions- und Verpackungsdienstleistungen

Parts handling

100% excellence in production and packaging services

Parts handling

Handling services

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Qualitätsmanagement ISO 9001

A challenge rarely comes alone!

- Your project experts & quality fanatics

Challenge? We are prepared! You know enough doubters. With us, you opt for a passion for solutions - which can be activated at any time and is always well-founded and methodical.

The right display assembly optimises the attention value of the promotional goods to be sold. We therefore assemble standard sales displays, counter displays and chep displays of any size and shape. Even large quantities are no problem. And if you don't have enough space to store them yourself, we can make our 3000 m² warehouse space available to you.


Outsourcing creates space for your core tasks. Whether due to time pressure, staff shortages or a lack of space in your production halls - sub-steps of the production process are outsourced to service providers such as Käpple outsourced. In our assembly department, we offer our customers professional assembly services at the highest level. You can count on us for both partial assembly and system assembly of components. We carry out assembly work precisely and to the highest quality standards on the basis of assembly plans and assembly instructions. 

No job is too complex - Käpple examines the economic and technical implementation options in order to offer you a fixed source of supply for assemblies in the long term.

All on Board! Handling perfection is a team affair - not just an empty phrase for us! With standard-setting hiring and  We ensure that our expertise is maintained in the long term by creating the right conditions for qualification.
